Heal your Ancestral Lineage


“We are waiting for you to remember, until you do pain will continue”.

Take a pause.

Do you feel like you carry the burden of your family lineage?
Your Family Lineage lives in your nervous system.

Modern neuroscience is proving that most of our memories (beliefs and emotional patterns) are passed down intergenerationally. This means that most of our Emotional Trauma is Ancestral.

I am a trained Functional Neurologist (P-DTR®) and founder of the Ancestral healing method Inner Constellations®️.

Just like you I carried what my parents and ancestral lineage could not process. At 19 I was diagnosed with 3 incurable health conditions. I healed these 3 incurable health conditions by discovering how to heal Intergenerational Trauma. I have travelled the world for the past 7 years researching, teaching and facilitating healing in others.

Lets begin!


I have trained over 60 practitioners in this healing methodology. Here are the testimonials.

My Healing Story

Listen to my full healing story on Spotify here.

What is Intergenerational Trauma?


Q: What is my educational background?

I qualified in Functional Nueroscience (P-DTR®).
I specialised in Pain science and the rewiring of the Nervous system.